Version 1.1.3
    Added Twitch Client-ID to Twitch requests to comply with their new API change.
    Disables Twitch TLS certificate check due to SNI incompatibility of Phyton 2.7.
    Removes BeautifulSoup dependency.

Version 1.1.2
    Some small changes on how streams are showed
    Adding stream quality switcher
    Adding GronkhTV live stream
    Fixing wrong-sized fanarts
    Adding live streams of other lets-players from

Version 1.1.1
    Updating API version
        Using IDs for API calls instead of slugs.
        The API calls should now perform better and be faster on slower conenctions.
        Also the new API returns smaller pictures where big pictures would not make sense.
        Furthermore the new API uses a database maintained by me, so missing episodes which
        are not on could however be available in the API.
    Some small changes to the codebase (changed some API endpoints and their return values)
    Renaming the plugin to (new notation)
    Chaning some information in the addon.xml (Author email)

Version 1.1.0
    Adding version check to prevent add-on from crashing because of deleted API endpoints
    Adding polish translations (Thanks to Shino)
    Adding search function
    Updating API version
    Changing some internal URLs
    Making the requests more robust against failures

Version 1.0.2
    Adding error fallback for broken Twitch API
    Changing the API enpoints to enable easier versioning
    Adding Do Not Track option to disable tracking
    Adding various headers for tracking
    Adding recent episodes
    New icons, which should look better

Version 1.0.1
    Adding live streams
    Using new API functions, based on the YouTube Data API
    Changing and adding various thumbnails and fanarts

Version 1.0.0
    First working version, ready to be pushed to the repo