TpX modifications log file
  [+] Added, [-] Fixed, [*] Changed

2008-12-07 TpX Version 1.5

[-] Command line export to latexsrc and pdflatexsrc
 did not add '.tex' extension to output file name.

[-] A bug in undo for freehand lines.

[-] Grouped objects lost their parent drawing (arrow-heads were 
 drawn incorrectly for objects in a group),

[-] Table editor in the "Edit coordinates" window was too narrow
 leading sometimes to disappearance of table columns.

2008-11-17 TpX Version 1.5 beta 2

[-] Fixed problems with TeXLive.

[-] There was a bug which caused TpX not to load the new
 document properties at program start.

[+] was simplified. TpX now adds the packages it
 needs automatically. Unneeded packages are not added now
 to preview document.

[*] MetaPost output does not use \textcolor in TeX text anymore.

[-] preserveAspectRatio='none' was not added when needed while
 writing bitmap to SVG.

[+] Freehand-drawn Bezier path is created with current properties 
 applied to it.

2008-11-09 TpX Version 1.5 beta 

[+] Now it is possible to use the default font size of the parent 
 LaTeX document by setting FontSizeInTeX property to 0
 (\fontsize...\selectfont would not be added to LaTeX code).

[-] PicMagnif was not taken into account when setting
 font size in MetaPost

[*] Lua module for generating TpX files (lTpX)
 replaced the old Python module (TpXpy)

[*] New version of TpX file format, version 5. Treatment
 of dotted lines has changed incompatibly (see below).

[*] Vertical alignment of text proved to be unreliable
 and hard to be made compatible across devices. 
 All text labels are now baseline aligned.

[+] More properties of graphical objects can be changed
 using toolbar (for all selected objects at once):
 arrow-heads, text labels, stars.

[-] WinEdt command in 'TpX_menu.dat' fixed to work correctly in 
 "soft breaks" regime

[+] Saving preview source

[+] Picking up, applying and clearing properties of graphical objects

[+] Improved SVG import

[+] Store "Snap to grid" and "Angular snap" state

[+] Store full window position including "maximized" state

[+] Objects group/ungroup operations.

[+] "Simplify Bezier" operation

[+] Bitmap objects (sam2p utility is used to convert bitmaps to EPS
  for inclusion into PostScript output)

[+] Request for showing (as a temporary file) the actual source 
 (if drawing has changed)

[-] Some objects did not show up on rubber canvas during drag / rotate 
 transformation operations

[+] 'Grid on top' setting

[+] Optionally remove crosshair

[-*] Fix for Bezier paths with PSTricks output. Use \moveto
 and \curveto instead of \psbezier

[*] Use dimen=middle for circles and sectors in PSTricks

[*] Set dashadjust=false in PSTricks for compatibility with other 
 output formats

[*] Dots in dotted lines are now square (they where rectangular).
 When loading old TpX files the width of dotted lines is
 adjusted to make them somewhat more similar to the previous

[+*] Freehand Bezier curve instead of freehand polyline

[+] "Delete small objects" operation

[-] Fixed latexeps, latexpdf and latexcustom export for 
pgf/tikz (images were too wide in some situations)

2007-08-04 TpX Version 1.4

[*] Arrows in "Object properties" dialog only for 
 relevant objects

[-] Incorrect \centering for TeXFigure=none

2007-07-07 TpX Version 1.4 beta 
 + TpX Lazarus 1.4 alpha 2 released

[*] TpX internals rewritten to a great extent.
 More modular source code

[+] Cross-platform variant of TpX implemented using Lazarus

[*-] New version of TpX file format, version 4. The format for 
 storing ellipses changed (angle now is measured 
 counterclockwise, which is more logical). PicUnutLength
 replaced by BitmapRes

[+*] Output formats (LaTeX picture, PSTricks, PGF, TikZ, MetaPost) 
 use the same coordinates as TpX drawing. This is useful for 
 generating code

[+] TikZ output format

[-] "Save as" dialog did not use default extension

[+] Local popup menu: Copy, Paste, Cut,
 Delete, Duplicate, Object properties,
 Convert to, Add point, Delete point, Break path

[+] More stable "LaTeX EPS"

[+*] Epstopdf perl script replaced by direct use of 

[+] Better grid and ruler divisions

[*] Dotted lines in PSTricks output format are now similar to
 dotted lines in other formats

[+] Graphical objects alignment

[+*] More accurate addition of point to path

[+] Rectangles with rounded corners. (RX and RY
 properties of a rectangle).

[+] "Save as" now shows prompt when overwriting file

[+] "Simplify polyline/polygon" operation

[+] "Reverse points" operation

[+] "Connect paths" operation

[+] Breaking of paths with mouse (Ctrl+Alt+MouseClick)

[+] Arrow-heads for arcs

[*+] Better arrow-heads directions for curves

[*+] Picture properties added to undo

[+] HiResBoundingBox in EPS

[+] Mouse drag on empty space starts area selection mode

[+] Reverse points order in table editor

[+] Freehand polyline draw

[+] Drag-copy with Ctrl+Mouse

[*] Convert to grayscale is applied to selection if any 
 or the whole drawing otherwise

[-] Ellipse and rectangle duplication did not work

2006-05-22 TpX Version 1.3 released

2006-04-06 TpX Version 1.3 beta 2 released

[+] New export format "LaTeX EPS" with tight bounding box 
 (using dvips) and derivatives (PDF using epstopdf, various 
 GhostScript formats) 

[+] Custom system fonts for graphical objects
 (not applies to LaTeX output)

[*] Simpler hot keys for graphical objects

[+] Additional hot keys

[-] A bug in saving of arrow-heads information to TpX file

2006-01-31 TpX Version 1.3 beta released

[*] New version of TpX file format, version 3. The format for 
 storing rectangles changed

[-] \pgfsetmiterlimit fixed

[+] Preview EPS/PDF files in 'Open' dialog
 (if GhostscriptPath is set)

[+] View source

[*] Open and Import EMF/EPS dialogs merged

[*] When TeXCenterFigure is 1 and TeXFigure is none then
 the picture is surrounded by {center} environment

[+] A new kind of graphical primitive, "symbol"

[+] "Arrow-head size factor" property for arrow-heads

[+] "Star size factor" property for stars

[+] BezierPrecision setting

[+] 4 new shapes for stars

[+] Native import of simple SVG pictures

[+] New LaTeX and PdfLaTeX output format, 'none'

[-] ANSI-string text in EMF was incorrectly treated as Widestring

[+] Many new styles of arrow-heads

[+] Program now controls changes made to drawing (no more annoying 
 'save drawing' dialog when there were no changes)

[+] New command line options for running TpX without GUI

2005-08-08 TpX Version 1.2 released

[+] HatchingLineWidth option for drawing

[-] Delay in refreshing Bezier path position when moving
 control points

[*] Conversion of graphical object to another graphical object
 does not change its order

[*] Use ifpdf to detect whether PdfTeX running in PDF mode

2005-07-20 TpX Version 1.2beta released

[+] Classical Bezier paths

[+] Paste EMF/WMF from clipboard

[+] Picture info

[+] Edit coordinates of control points. Data could be copied and 
 pasted from another application

[+] "Image tool" for metafiles. Includes EPS printing

[+] TpXpy, Python module to generate TpX drawings

[+] Buttons to change basic properties of several objects

[+] PGF TeX format (suitable both for LaTeX and PdfLaTeX)

[-] Incorrectness in PSTricks circles and segments
 (line width was part of diameter)

[+] Rotated text

[*] New version of TpX format, v="2"
 (needed to take into account new text height convention)

[+] Text height convention changed. Now text height does not 
 include "internal leading" used for accents by Windows GDI

[-] Filling of Bezier paths in PSTricks was done

[+] Dropdown menus for TeX preview buttons to change
 output format

[+] Conversion of graphical objects (like ellipse to
 spline, etc.)

[-] PicScale ??

[-] Fill rule was inconsistent between formats.
 Now TpX uses "nonzero winding" rule everywhere
 (not "even-odd" aka "alternate" fill rule)
 /See documentation on SVG, PS, PDF or Windows GDI
  about fill rule/

[*] Moving control points of rectangle or ellipse without
 changing direction of it's edges; more natural 
 moving control points of circular primitives

[+] LaTeX->DVI->PS preview

[+] Choose Windows font

[+] PDF compression

[+] Preserve text color when importing from EMF 

[+] Convert to grayscale

2005-02-27 TpX Version 1.1 released

[-] Incorrect drawing of polylines in bitmaps when
 first and last points coincide

[+] Miter limit for the whole picture. This could be used
 to remove strange spikes at line joins. Visible at Plot3D.TpX
 sample picture from TpX distribution

[+] Antialiased text in bitmaps (PNG, BMP)

[+] Import old Windows metafiles (WMF)

2005-02-11 TpX Version 1.1beta released

[+] ".TpX" extension could be associated with TpX

[*+] SVGMagnif replaced by PicMagnif and applies to all formats, 
 not just SVG. Could be used to scale the whole drawing,
 changing the meaning of millimeters (e.g. LineWidth, StarsSize)

[-] Incorrect text alignment when importing EMF

[-] Sometimes text was imported incorrectly from EMF

[+] EPS and PDF import using PsToEdit

[*] Use Windows temporary directory for temporary files

[-] Arrow-heads were drawn somewhat inaccurately

[+] "Recent files" menu

[+] Preview LaTeX, PdfLaTeX

[+] Preview EPS, PDF, SVG, PNG, BMP, EMF

[+] EPS and PDF are surrounded by TeX picture environment
 to produce consistent text labels. EPS and PDF are now defaults 
 for LaTeX and PdfLaTeX respectively

[+] 10 additional star shapes (previously there was only one 
 shape - circle)

[*] PicScale (scale in mm per world unit) instead of 

[-] Unstable algorithm was used for calculation closed splines

[+] Scrollbars to move viewport

[+] Mouse wheel: move and zoom viewport

[+] Line (text) color, hatching color, fill color

[-] Incorrect vertical text alignment in TeX-picture, PSTricks 
 and MetaPost formats

[-] Incorrect font size in MetaPost format when using 

[*] TeX font size selection using \fontsize{}{}\selectfont
 (TeX picture, PSTricks, MetaPost btex...etex)

2004-10-31 TpX Version 1.0.1 released

[+] PDF from EPS using epstopdf

[+] Type 1 fonts in EPS

[-] Incorrect help about WinEdt installation (edit TpX_menu.dat, 
 not install_TpX.edt)

[-] Ini file location was not linked to exe file path

[-] Error when running on Windows system with comma set as a 
 decimal point

2004-10-24 TpX Version 1.0 released