INSTALL(8)              NetBSD System Manager's Manual              INSTALL(8)

     INSTALL -- Installation procedure for NetBSD/evbarm.

      About this Document............................................2
      What is NetBSD?................................................3
      Changes Between The NetBSD 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 Releases............3
      Features to be removed in a later release......................3
      The NetBSD Foundation..........................................3
      Sources of NetBSD..............................................3
      NetBSD 7.1.2 Release Contents..................................3
         NetBSD/evbarm subdirectory structure........................5
         Binary distribution sets....................................5
      NetBSD/evbarm System Requirements and Supported Devices........6
         Supported devices (Technologic Systems TS-7200).............7
            TS-5620 Real Time Clock..................................7
            Serial ports.............................................7
            Ethernet adapters........................................7
            Other on-board functions.................................7
         Supported devices (ARM, Ltd. Integrator)....................7
            PrimeCell PL030 Real Time Clock..........................7
            Serial ports.............................................7
            SCSI host adapters.......................................7
            Ethernet adapters........................................7
         Supported devices (Intel IQ80310)...........................7
            Serial ports.............................................7
            Ethernet adapters........................................7
            i80312 Companion I/O functions...........................7
         Supported devices (Intel IQ80321)...........................7
            Serial ports.............................................8
            Ethernet adapters........................................8
            i80321 I/O Processor functions...........................8
         Supported devices (Team ASA Npwr)...........................8
            Serial ports.............................................8
            SCSI host adapters.......................................8
            Ethernet adapters........................................8
         Supported devices (Intel IXM1200)...........................8
            Serial ports.............................................8
            Ethernet adapters........................................8
         Supported devices (Samsung SMDK2800)........................8
            Serial ports.............................................8
         Supported devices (ADI BRH).................................8
            Serial ports.............................................8
            Ethernet adapters........................................8
         Supported devices (Arcom Viper).............................9
            Serial ports.............................................9
            Ethernet adapters........................................9
      Getting the NetBSD System on to Useful Media...................9
      Preparing your System for NetBSD installation.................10
         Preparation for the Technologic Systems TS-7200............10
         Preparation for the Intel IQ80310..........................11
         Preparation for the Intel IQ80321..........................13
      Installing the NetBSD System..................................15
         Installation for the Technologic Systems TS-7200...........15
         Installation for the Intel IQ80310.........................15
         Installation for the Intel IQ80321.........................17
      Post installation steps.......................................18
      Upgrading a previously-installed NetBSD System................20
      Compatibility Issues With Previous NetBSD Releases............21
         Important note regarding ABI change on ARM ports...........21
         Issues affecting an upgrade from NetBSD 5.x releases.......21
         Issues affecting an upgrade from NetBSD 6.x releases.......22
         Issues affecting an upgrade from NetBSD 7.1................22
      Using online NetBSD documentation.............................22
      Thanks go to..................................................23
      We are........................................................24
      Legal Mumbo-Jumbo.............................................30
      The End.......................................................35

   About this Document
     This document describes the installation procedure for NetBSD 7.1.2 on
     the evbarm platform.  It is available in four different formats titled
     INSTALL.ext, where .ext is one of .ps, .html, .more, or .txt:

           .ps     PostScript.

           .html   Standard Internet HTML.

           .more   The enhanced text format used on UNIX-like systems by the
                   more(1) and less(1) pager utility programs.  This is the
                   format in which the on-line man pages are generally pre-

           .txt    Plain old ASCII.

     You are reading the ASCII version.

   What is NetBSD?
     The NetBSD Operating System is a fully functional Open Source UNIX-like
     operating system derived from the University of California, Berkeley Net-
     working Release 2 (Net/2), 4.4BSD-Lite, and 4.4BSD-Lite2 sources.  NetBSD
     runs on many different different system architectures (ports) across a
     variety of distinct CPU families, and is being ported to more.  The
     NetBSD 7.1.2 release contains complete binary releases for most of these
     system architectures, with preliminary support for the others included in
     source form.  Please see the NetBSD website at for
     information on them.)

     NetBSD is a completely integrated system.  In addition to its highly por-
     table, high performance kernel, NetBSD features a complete set of user
     utilities, compilers for several languages, the X Window System, firewall
     software and numerous other tools, all accompanied by full source code.

     NetBSD is a creation of the members of the Internet community.  Without
     the unique cooperation and coordination the net makes possible, NetBSD
     would not exist.

   Changes Between The NetBSD 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 Releases
     NetBSD 7.1.2 is the second security/critical update of the NetBSD 7.1
     release branch.  It represents a selected subset of fixes deemed impor-
     tant for security or stability reasons.

     The complete list of changes can be found in the CHANGES-7.1.2 file in
     the top level directory of the NetBSD 7.1.2 release tree:

     for some of the more noteworthy changes in this release.

   Features to be removed in a later release
     The following features are to be removed from NetBSD in the future:

     o   dhclient(8) and rtsol(8) in favor of dhcpcd(8).

     o   groff(1).  Man pages are now handled with mandoc(1), and groff(1) can
         still be found in pkgsrc as textproc/groff.

     o   rtsol(8) and rtsold(8).

   The NetBSD Foundation
     The NetBSD Foundation is a tax exempt, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corpora-
     tion that devotes itself to the traditional goals and Spirit of the
     NetBSD Project and owns the trademark of the word ``NetBSD''.  It sup-
     ports the design, development, and adoption of NetBSD worldwide.  More
     information on the NetBSD Foundation, its composition, aims, and work can
     be found at:

   Sources of NetBSD
     Refer to

   NetBSD 7.1.2 Release Contents
     The root directory of the NetBSD 7.1.2 release is organized as follows:


     CHANGES       Changes between the 6.0 and 7.0 releases.

     CHANGES-7.0   Changes between the initial 7.0 branch and the final
                   release of 7.0.

     CHANGES-7.1   Changes between the final release of 7.0 and the final
                   release of 7.1.

                   Changes between the final release of 7.1 and the final
                   release of 7.1.1.

                   Changes between the final release of 7.1.1 and the final
                   release of 7.1.2.

     CHANGES.prev  Changes in previous NetBSD releases.

     LAST_MINUTE   Last minute changes and notes about the release.

     README.files  README describing the distribution's contents.

     images/       Images (ISO 9660 or USB) for installing NetBSD.  Depending
                   on your system, these may be bootable.

     source/       Source distribution sets; see below.

     In addition to the files and directories listed above, there is one
     directory per architecture, for each of the architectures for which
     NetBSD 7.1.2 has a binary distribution.

     The source distribution sets can be found in subdirectories of the source
     subdirectory of the distribution tree.  They contain the complete sources
     to the system.  The source distribution sets are as follows:

     gnusrc    This set contains the ``gnu'' sources, including the source for
               the compiler, assembler, groff, and the other GNU utilities in
               the binary distribution sets.

     sharesrc  This set contains the ``share'' sources, which include the
               sources for the man pages not associated with any particular
               program; the sources for the typesettable document set; the
               dictionaries; and more.

     src       This set contains all of the base NetBSD 7.1.2 sources which
               are not in gnusrc, sharesrc, or syssrc.

     syssrc    This set contains the sources to the NetBSD 7.1.2 kernel for
               all architectures as well as the config(1) utility.

     xsrc      This set contains the sources to the X Window System.

     All the above source sets are located in the source/sets subdirectory of
     the distribution tree.

     The source sets are distributed as compressed tar files.  Except for the
     pkgsrc set, which is traditionally unpacked into /usr/pkgsrc, all sets
     may be unpacked into /usr/src with the command:
           # cd / ; tar -zxpf set_name.tgz

     In each of the source distribution set directories, there are files which
     contain the checksums of the files in the directory:

           MD5     MD5 digests in the format produced by the command:
                   cksum -a MD5 file.

           SHA512  SHA512 digests in the format produced by the command:
                   cksum -a SHA512 file.

     The SHA512 digest is safer, but MD5 checksums are provided so that a
     wider range of operating systems can check the integrity of the release

     NetBSD/evbarm subdirectory structure

     The evbarm-specific portion of the NetBSD 7.1.2 release is found in the
     evbarm subdirectory of the distribution: .../NetBSD-7.1.2/evbarm/.  It
     contains the following files and directories:

     INSTALL.more  Installation notes in various file formats, including this
                   file.  The .more file contains underlined text using the
                   more(1) conventions for indicating italic and bold display.
                                       A gzipped NetBSD kernel containing code
                                       for everything supported in this
                   sets/    evbarm binary distribution sets; see below.
                   misc/      Miscellaneous evbarm installation utilities; see
                              installation section below.

     Binary distribution sets

     The NetBSD evbarm binary distribution sets contain the binaries which
     comprise the NetBSD 7.1.2 release for evbarm.  The binary distribution
     sets can be found in the evbarm/binary/sets subdirectory of the NetBSD
     7.1.2 distribution tree, and are as follows:

     base     The NetBSD 7.1.2 evbarm base binary distribution.  You must
              install this distribution set.  It contains the base NetBSD
              utilities that are necessary for the system to run and be mini-
              mally functional.

     comp     Things needed for compiling programs.  This set includes the
              system include files (/usr/include) and the various system
              libraries (except the shared libraries, which are included as
              part of the base set).  This set also includes the manual pages
              for all of the utilities it contains, as well as the system call
              and library manual pages.

     etc      This distribution set contains the system configuration files
              that reside in /etc and in several other places.  This set must
              be installed if you are installing the system from scratch, but
              should not be used if you are upgrading.

     games    This set includes the games and their manual pages.

              (see below)

              (see below)

              (see below)


              These sets contain a NetBSD/evbarm 7.1.2 kernel, named /netbsd.
              Some of these sets also contain a binary format kernel named
              /netbsd.bin and an S-record format kernel named /netbsd.srec
              that your firmware may need to boot.  You must install the ker-
              nel that matches your hardware.

     man      This set includes all of the manual pages for the binaries and
              other software contained in the base set.  Note that it does not
              include any of the manual pages that are included in the other

     misc     This set includes the system dictionaries, the typesettable doc-
              ument set, and other files from /usr/share.

     modules  This set includes kernel modules to add functionality to a run-
              ning system.

     text     This set includes NetBSD's text processing tools, including
              groff(1), all related programs, and their manual pages.

     NetBSD maintains its own set of sources for the X Window System in order
     to assure tight integration and compatibility.  These sources are based
     on X.Org.  Binary sets for the X Window System are distributed with
     NetBSD.  The sets are:

     xbase    The basic files needed for a complete X client environment.
              This does not include the X servers.

     xcomp    The extra libraries and include files needed to compile X source

     xfont    Fonts needed by the X server and by X clients.

     xetc     Configuration files for X which could be locally modified.

     xserver  The X server.

     The evbarm binary distribution sets are distributed as gzipped tar files
     named with the extension .tgz, e.g.  base.tgz.

     The instructions given for extracting the source sets work equally well
     for the binary sets, but it is worth noting that if you use that method,
     the filenames stored in the sets are relative and therefore the files are
     extracted below the current directory.  Therefore, if you want to extract
     the binaries into your system, i.e.  replace the system binaries with
     them, you have to run the tar -xzpf command from the root directory ( / )
     of your system.

     Note:  Each directory in the evbarm binary distribution also has its own
            checksum files, just as the source distribution does.

   NetBSD/evbarm System Requirements and Supported Devices
     NetBSD 7.1.2 runs on the following ARM architecture evaluation boards:

           o   Technologic Systems TS-7200

           o   ARM, Ltd. Integrator

           o   Intel IQ80310

           o   Intel IQ80321

           o   Team ASA, Inc. Npwr

           o   Intel IXM1200

           o   Samsung SMDK2800

           o   ADI Engineering, Inc. BRH ("Big Red Head")

           o   Arcom Viper

     Supported devices (Technologic Systems TS-7200)

     For devices that have machine-independent drivers, this is not an exhaus-
     tive list, but merely reflects the devices that have been tested on this

           o   TS-5620 Real Time Clock

           o   Serial ports
               -   On-chip EP9302 UARTs
               -   TS-SER1, TS-SER2, TS-SER4 PC/104 serial adapters
               -   TS-MODEM, TS-MODEM2 PC/104 land-line/cellular modems

           o   Ethernet adapters
               -   On-chip EP9302 10/100 ethernet
               -   TS-ETH10 PC/104 expansion ethernet adapters

           o   Other on-board functions
               -   CompactFlash socket
               -   USB OHCI host
               -   Text-mode HD44780 LCD display header
               -   Matrix keypad/GPIO header
               -   Board temperature sensor and watchdog timer

     Supported devices (ARM, Ltd. Integrator)

     For devices that have machine-independent drivers, this is not an exhaus-
     tive list, but merely reflects the devices that have been tested on this

           o   PrimeCell PL030 Real Time Clock

           o   Serial ports
               -   PrimeCell PL010 UART

           o   SCSI host adapters
               -   Adaptec AHA-2910, 2915, 2920, and 2930C adapters.
               -   Adaptec AHA-2x4x[U][2][W] cards and onboard PCI designs
                   using the AIC-7770, AIC-7850, AIC-7860, AIC-7870, AIC-7880
                   and AIC-789x chipsets.
               -   Adaptec AHA-394x[U][W] cards [b]
               -   Adaptec AHA-3950U2 cards
               -   Adaptec AHA-3960, 19160 and 29160 Ultra-160 adapters

           o   Ethernet adapters
               -   Intel i82557, i82558, i82559, i82550

     Supported devices (Intel IQ80310)

     For devices that have machine-independent drivers, this is not an exhaus-
     tive list, but merely reflects the devices that have been tested on this

           o   Serial ports
               -   On-board ST16c550 UARTs

           o   Ethernet adapters
               -   Intel i82557, i82558, i82559, i82550

           o   i80312 Companion I/O functions
               -   General Purpose I/O unit

     Supported devices (Intel IQ80321)

     For devices that have machine-independent drivers, this is not an exhaus-
     tive list, but merely reflects the devices that have been tested on this

           o   Serial ports
               -   On-board TI 16550 UART

           o   Ethernet adapters
               -   Intel i82542, i82543, i85244 Gigabit Ethernet

           o   i80321 I/O Processor functions
               -   Application Accelerator Unit
               -   Watchdog timer

     Supported devices (Team ASA Npwr)

     The Npwr is a storage appliance based on the Intel IOP310 I/O processor
     chipset.  This is an exhaustive list of devices supported on the Npwr as
     the Npwr has no expansion capability.

     o   Serial ports
         -   On-board TI 16550 UART

     o   SCSI host adapters

         -   On-board LSI Logic 53c1010 Ultra160 SCSI adapter

     o   Ethernet adapters

         -   On-board Intel i82544 Gigabit Ethernet

     Supported devices (Intel IXM1200)

     For devices that have machine-independent drivers, this is not an exhaus-
     tive list, but merely reflects the devices that have been tested on this

           o   Serial ports
               -   IXP1200 on-chip serial port

           o   Ethernet adapters
               -   Intel i82557, i82558, i82559, i82550

     Supported devices (Samsung SMDK2800)

     For devices that have machine-independent drivers, this is not an exhaus-
     tive list, but merely reflects the devices that have been tested on this

           o   Serial ports
               -   S3C2800 on-chip serial ports

     Supported devices (ADI BRH)

     For devices that have machine-independent drivers, this is not an exhaus-
     tive list, but merely reflects the devices that have been tested on this

           o   Serial ports
               -   On-board TI 16752 DUART

           o   Ethernet adapters
               -   Intel i82557, i82558, i82559, i82550
               -   Intel i82544, i82546 Gigabit Ethernet

     Supported devices (Arcom Viper)

     Current this is an exhaustive list, since expansion ports such as PC/104
     and USB are not yet supported.

           o   Serial ports
               -   On-chip PXA255 UARTs
               Ethernet adapters
               -   On-board SMC91C111

   Getting the NetBSD System on to Useful Media
     Installation is supported from several media types, including:

           o   CD-ROM / DVD
           o   FTP
           o   Remote NFS partition
           o   Tape
           o   Existing NetBSD partitions, if performing an upgrade

     The steps necessary to prepare the distribution sets for installation
     depend upon which installation medium you choose.  The steps for the var-
     ious media are outlined below.

     CD-ROM / DVD  Find out where the distribution set files are on the CD-ROM
                   or DVD.  Likely locations are binary/sets and

                   Proceed to the instructions on installation.

     FTP           The preparations for this installation/upgrade method are
                   easy; all you need to do is make sure that there's an FTP
                   site from which you can retrieve the NetBSD distribution
                   when you're about to install or upgrade.  If you don't have
                   DHCP available on your network, you will need to know the
                   numeric IP address of that site, and, if it's not on a net-
                   work directly connected to the machine on which you're
                   installing or upgrading NetBSD, you need to know the
                   numeric IP address of the router closest to the NetBSD
                   machine.  Finally, you need to know the numeric IP address
                   of the NetBSD machine itself.

                   Once you have this information, you can proceed to the next
                   step in the installation or upgrade process.  If you're
                   installing NetBSD from scratch, go to the section on pre-
                   paring your hard disk, below.  If you're upgrading an
                   existing installation, go directly to the section on

     NFS           Place the NetBSD distribution sets you wish to install into
                   a directory on an NFS server, and make that directory
                   mountable by the machine on which you are installing or
                   upgrading NetBSD.  This will probably require modifying the
                   /etc/exports file on the NFS server and resetting its mount
                   daemon (mountd).  (Both of these actions will probably
                   require superuser privileges on the server.)

                   You need to know the numeric IP address of the NFS server,
                   and, if you don't have DHCP available on your network and
                   the server is not on a network directly connected to the
                   machine on which you're installing or upgrading NetBSD, you
                   need to know the numeric IP address of the router closest
                   to the NetBSD machine.  Finally, you need to know the
                   numeric IP address of the NetBSD machine itself.

                   Once the NFS server is set up properly and you have the
                   information mentioned above, you can proceed to the next
                   step in the installation or upgrade process.  If you're
                   installing NetBSD from scratch, go to the section on pre-
                   paring your hard disk, below.  If you're upgrading an
                   existing installation, go directly to the section on

     Tape          To install NetBSD from a tape, you need to make a tape that
                   contains the distribution set files, in `tar' format.

                   If you're making the tape on a UNIX-like system, the easi-
                   est way to do so is probably something like:

                         # tar -cf tape_device dist_sets

                   where tape_device is the name of the tape device that rep-
                   resents the tape drive you're using.  This might be
                   /dev/rst0, or something similar, but it will vary from sys-
                   tem to system.  In the above example, dist_sets is a list
                   of filenames corresponding to the distribution sets that
                   you wish to place on the tape.  For instance, to put the
                   kern-GENERIC, base, and etc distributions on tape (the
                   absolute minimum required for installation), you would do
                   the following:

                         # cd .../NetBSD-7.1.2
                         # cd evbarm/binary
                         # tar -cf tape_device kern-GENERIC.tgz base.tgz

                   Note:  You still need to fill in tape_device in the

                   Once you have the files on the tape, you can proceed to the
                   next step in the installation or upgrade process.  If
                   you're installing NetBSD from scratch, go to the section on
                   preparing your hard disk, below.  If you're upgrading an
                   existing installation, go directly to the section on

   Preparing your System for NetBSD installation
     First and foremost, before beginning the installation process, make sure
     you have a reliable backup of any data on the target system that you wish
     to keep.  Mistakes in partitioning may lead to data loss.

     Preparation for the Technologic Systems TS-7200

     The TS-7200 uses RedBoot firmware which supports loading the kernel via
     serial port and the on-chip Ethernet.  These notes assume that the Ether-
     net will be used to load the kernel.  RedBoot can either use TFTP or HTTP
     to load the kernel via the network.

     These notes also assume the TS-7200 will be run from the CompactFlash;
     that a FFS filesystem on the CompactFlash card will provide the root file
     system.  The minimum size of the CompactFlash card is 64MB with 512MB
     being the recommended minimum size if attempting a full installation.

     The first step to install NetBSD is to interrupt normal system bootup and
     drop to the RedBoot prompt by hitting Ctrl-C immediately after applying
     power.  To load both the installation kernel and the generic post-instal-
     lation TS7200 kernel you will need network connectivity from RedBoot
     which you will have to configure using the RedBoot fconfig command; see
     the RedBoot documentation for more information.

     A compressed kernel image and loader suitable for placing into flash is
     provided with the distribution.  Use of this image is optional; a kernel
     that can be directly loaded over the network by RedBoot is also provided.

     The image for the TS-7200 can be found under the NetBSD/evbarm 7.1.2 dis-
     tribution directory in
     evbarm/binary/gzimg/gzimg_TS7200_flash_0x60660000.gz, and corresponds to
     the kernel in evbarm/binary/kernel/netbsd-TS7200.gz.  The following steps
     describe how to copy the compressed kernel image into flash.

     1.   Uncompress the gzimg file and place it into the TFTP server's down-
          load area (note, the kernel inside the gzimg is still compressed
          after this step).

                server# gzcat gzimg_TS7200_flash_0x60660000.gz >

     2.   Load the gzimg from the TFTP server.

          RedBoot> load -r -b 0x00200000 gzimg_TS7200_flash_0x60660000
          Raw file loaded 0x00200000-0x00605fe0

     3.   Use the RedBoot fis command to copy the image into flash.  For more
          information on the RedBoot Flash Image System, see the RedBoot docu-
          mentation.  The factory default Linux image may already be present
          in flash and must be deleted before continuing.

          RedBoot> fis delete vmlinux
          RedBoot> fis create -b 0x00200000 -f 0x60660000 -l 0x00160000 netbsd.gz

     Once the compressed kernel image has been copied into flash, it may be
     started by jumping to the flash address of the image:

     RedBoot> g 0x60660000

     Preparation for the Intel IQ80310

     The IQ80310 uses RedBoot firmware from Red Hat, Inc.  RedBoot supports
     loading the kernel via the serial port and the on-board Ethernet.  These
     notes assume that the Ethernet will be used to load the kernel.  RedBoot
     uses the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) to load the kernel via the

     These notes also assume that the IQ80310 will be run as a diskless sys-
     tem; that an NFS server will provide the root file system.  The NetBSD
     kernel uses the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to obtain net-
     work address and root file system information.

     The first step is to configure your DHCP, NFS, and TFTP server software.
     You will need the MAC address for the on-board Ethernet, which RedBoot
     can provide; see the RedBoot documentation for more information.

     The next step is to configure RedBoot to obtain its IP address from your
     DHCP server; see the RedBoot documentation for more information.

     Once your DHCP server and RedBoot are properly configured, you should see
     information similar to the following when the IQ80310 is reset or pow-

     RedBoot(tm) debug environment - built 17:16:14, Feb 12 2001
     Platform: IQ80310 (XScale)
     Copyright (C) 2000, Red Hat, Inc.

     RAM: 0xa0000000-0xa2000000
     FLASH: 0x00000000 - 0x00800000, 64 blocks of 0x00020000 bytes each.
     IP:, Default server:

     A compressed kernel image and loader suitable for placing into flash is
     provided with the distribution.  Use of this image is optional; a kernel
     that can be directly loaded over the network by RedBoot is also provided.

     The image for the IQ80310 can be found under the NetBSD/evbarm 7.1.2 dis-
     tribution directory in
     evbarm/binary/gzimg/gzimg_IQ80310_flash_0x00080000.gz, and corresponds to
     the kernel in evbarm/binary/kernel/netbsd-IQ80310.gz.  The following
     steps describe how to copy the compressed kernel image into flash.

     1.   Uncompress the gzimg file and place it into the TFTP server's down-
          load area (note, the kernel inside the gzimg is still compressed
          after this step).

                server# gzcat gzimg_IQ80310_flash_0x00080000.gz >

     2.   Load the gzimg from the TFTP server.

          RedBoot> load -r -b 0xa0200000 gzimg_IQ80310_flash_0x00080000
          Raw file loaded 0xa0200000-0xa0305fe0

     3.   Use the RedBoot fis command to copy the image into flash.  For more
          information on the RedBoot Flash Image System, see the RedBoot docu-

          RedBoot> fis create -b 0xa0200000 -f 0x00080000 -l 0x00200000 netbsd.gz
          ... Erase from 0x00080000-0x00280000: ....................
          ... Program from 0xa0200000-0xa0400000 at 0x00080000: ....................
          ... Unlock from 0x007e0000-0x00800000:.
          ... Erase from 0x007e0000-0x00800000:.
          ... Program from 0xa1fd0000-0xa1ff0000 at 0x007e0000:.
          ... Lock from 0x007e0000-0x00800000:.

     Once the compressed kernel image has been copied into flash, it may be
     started by jumping to the flash address of the image:

     RedBoot> g 0x00080000

     >> NetBSD/IQ80310 Gzip Boot, Revision 1.1
     >> (root@tgm, Thu Mar 28 18:32:45 PST 2002)
     >> RAM 0xa0000000 - 0xafffffff, heap at 0xaffd0000
     >> Load address: 0xa0200000
     >> Image size: 741244
     Uncompressing image...done.
     Jumping to image @ 0xa0200000...

     NetBSD/evbarm (IQ80310) booting ...
     Resetting secondary PCI bus...
     initarm: Configuring system ...
     physmemory: 65536 pages at 0xa0000000 -> 0xafffffff
     init subsystems: stacks vectors undefined pmap irq done.
     [ using 155084 bytes of netbsd ELF symbol table ]
     Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
         The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
     Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
         The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

     NetBSD 1.5ZC (IQ80310) #20: Fri Mar 29 10:25:53 PST 2002
     total memory = 256 MB
     avail memory = 232 MB
     using 1228 buffers containing 13208 KB of memory
     mainbus0 (root)
     cpu0 at mainbus0: i80200 step A-0 (XScale core)
     cpu0: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT
     cpu0: 32KB/32B 32-way Instruction cache
     cpu0: 32KB/32B 32-way write-back-locking Data cache
     obio0 at mainbus0: board rev. F, CPLD rev. D, backplane present
     com0 at obio0 addr 0xfe810000: ns16550a, working fifo
     com0: console
     com1 at obio0 addr 0xfe800000: ns16550a, working fifo
     iopxs0 at mainbus0: i80312 Companion I/O, acting as PCI host
     iopxs0: configuring Secondary PCI bus
     pci0 at iopxs0 bus 1
     pci0: i/o space, memory space enabled
     ppb0 at pci0 dev 7 function 0: Digital Equipment DECchip 21154 PCI-PCI Bridge (rev. 0x05)
     pci1 at ppb0 bus 2
     pci1: i/o space, memory space enabled
     fxp0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0: i82559S Ethernet, rev 9
     fxp0: interrupting at iq80310 irq 1
     fxp0: Ethernet address 00:80:4d:46:0b:b9
     inphy0 at fxp0 phy 1: i82555 10/100 media interface, rev. 4
     inphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
     clock: hz=100 stathz=0 profhz=0
     boot device: <unknown>
     root device:

     Preparation for the Intel IQ80321

     The IQ80321 uses RedBoot firmware from Red Hat, Inc.  RedBoot supports
     loading the kernel via the serial port and the on-board Ethernet.  These
     notes assume that the Ethernet will be used to load the kernel.  RedBoot
     uses the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) to load the kernel via the

     These notes also assume that the IQ80321 will be run as a diskless sys-
     tem; that an NFS server will provide the root file system.  The NetBSD
     kernel uses the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to obtain net-
     work address and root file system information.

     The first step is to configure your DHCP, NFS, and TFTP server software.
     You will need the MAC address for the on-board Ethernet, which RedBoot
     can provide; see the RedBoot documentation for more information.

     The next step is to configure RedBoot to obtain its IP address from your
     DHCP server; see the RedBoot documentation for more information.

     Once your DHCP server and RedBoot are properly configured, you should see
     information similar to the following when the IQ80321 is reset or pow-

     Ethernet eth0: MAC address 00:07:e9:03:38:40
     IP:, Default server:

     RedBoot(tm) bootstrap and debug environment [ROM]
     Non-certified release, version UNKNOWN - built 11:21:56, Feb  1 2002

     Platform: IQ80321 (XScale)
     Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, Red Hat, Inc.

     RAM: 0x00000000-0x08000000, 0x00017008-0x01ddd000 available
     FLASH: 0xf0000000 - 0xf0800000, 64 blocks of 0x00020000 bytes each.

     A compressed kernel image and loader suitable for placing into flash is
     provided with the distribution.  Use of this image is optional; a kernel
     that can be directly loaded over the network by RedBoot is also provided.

     The image for the IQ80321 can be found under the NetBSD/evbarm 7.1.2 dis-
     tribution directory in
     evbarm/binary/gzimg/gzimg_IQ80321_flash_0xf0080000.gz, and corresponds to
     the kernel in evbarm/binary/kernel/netbsd-IQ80321.gz.  The following
     steps describe how to copy the compressed kernel image into flash.

     1.   Uncompress the gzimg file and place it into the TFTP server's down-
          load area (note, the kernel inside the gzimg is still compressed
          after this step).

                server# gzcat gzimg_IQ80321_flash_0xf0080000.gz >

     2.   Load the gzimg from the TFTP server.

          RedBoot> load -r -b 0x00200000 gzimg_IQ80321_flash_0xf0080000
          Raw file loaded 0x00200000-0x00305fe4

     3.   Use the RedBoot fis command to copy the image into flash.  For more
          information on the RedBoot Flash Image System, see the RedBoot docu-

          RedBoot> fis create -b 0x00200000 -f 0xf0080000 -l 0x00200000 netbsd.gz
          * CAUTION * about to program 'netbsd.gz'
                      at 0xf0080000..0xf027ffff from 0x00200000 - are you sure (y/n)? y
          ... Erase from 0xf0080000-0xf0280000: .......................
          ... Program from 0x00200000-0x00400000 at 0xf0080000: ......................
          ... Unlock from 0xf07e0000-0xf0800000:.
          ... Erase from 0xf07e0000-0xf0800000:.
          ... Program from 0x01ddf000-0x01dff000 at 0xf07e0000:.
          ... Lock from 0xf07e0000-0xf0800000:.

     Once the compressed kernel image has been copied into flash, it may be
     started by jumping to the flash address of the image:

     RedBoot> g 0xf0080000

     >> NetBSD/IQ80321 Gzip Boot, Revision 1.1
     >> (root@tgm, Thu Mar 28 18:32:45 PST 2002)
     >> RAM 0xa0000000 - 0xa7ffffff, heap at 0xa7fd0000
     >> Load address: 0xa0200000
     >> Image size: 739495
     Uncompressing image...done.
     Jumping to image @ 0xa0200000...

     NetBSD/evbarm (IQ80321) booting ...
     initarm: Configuring system ...
     physmemory: 32768 pages at 0xa0000000 -> 0xa7ffffff
     init subsystems: stacks vectors undefined pmap irq done.
     [ using 155076 bytes of netbsd ELF symbol table ]
     Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
         The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
     Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
         The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

     NetBSD 1.5ZC (IQ80321) #1: Thu Mar 28 18:31:58 PST 2002
     total memory = 128 MB
     avail memory = 113 MB
     using 1228 buffers containing 6656 KB of memory
     mainbus0 (root)
     cpu0 at mainbus0: i80321 step A-0 (XScale core)
     cpu0: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT
     cpu0: 32KB/32B 32-way Instruction cache
     cpu0: 32KB/32B 32-way write-back-locking Data cache
     obio0 at mainbus0
     com0 at obio0 addr 0xfe800000: ns16550a, working fifo
     com0: console
     iopxs0 at mainbus0: i80321 I/O Processor, acting as PCI host
     iopxs0: configuring PCI bus
     pci0 at iopxs0 bus 0
     pci0: i/o space, memory space enabled, rd/line, rd/mult, wr/inv ok
     wm0 at pci0 dev 4 function 0: Intel i82544 1000BASE-T Ethernet, rev. 2
     wm0: interrupting at iop321 irq 27
     wm0: Ethernet address 00:07:e9:03:38:40
     makphy0 at wm0 phy 1: Marvell 88E1000 Gigabit PHY, rev. 0
     makphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-FDX, auto
     clock: hz=100 stathz=0 profhz=0
     boot device: <unknown>
     root device:

   Installing the NetBSD System
     Installation for the Technologic Systems TS-7200

     The following steps describe how to set up a CompactFlash card for the
     TS-7200.  The TS-7200 can use the interactive installation program
     sysinst to perform an internet installation from on the

     1.   Place the netbsd-TS7200_INSTALL.bin kernel into the TFTP server's
          download area.  It must be decompressed from the gzipped image in
          the release directory evbarm/installation/instkernel/netbsd-

                server# gunzip netbsd-TS7200_INSTALL.srec.gz
                server# cp netbsd-TS7200_INSTALL.srec

     2.   Load the kernel from the TFTP server.

          RedBoot> load netbsd-TS7200_INSTALL

     3.   Start the kernel running.

          RedBoot> go

          The kernel will display boot messages, probe for devices, and invoke
          the interactive sysinst installation tool.  Once sysinst has com-
          pleted installation, the system will reboot back into RedBoot.  If
          the preparation instructions above have been followed, the post-
          installation NetBSD kernel will be in the FIS ready to be jumped
          into.  You can have RedBoot automatically start NetBSD by putting
          the command go 0x60660000 into the RedBoot bootscript using the
          fconfig command.

     Installation for the Intel IQ80310

     The following steps describe how to set up an NFS root environment for
     the IQ80310 and how to boot the IQ80310.

     1.   Place the kernel into the TFTP server's download area.

          RedBoot only loads S-Records, so select a kernel with the ``.srec''
          filename suffix.  In this example, we will boot the kernel hard-
          wired to use the on-board Ethernet as the root device.

                server# cp netbsd-fxp0.srec /tftpboot/netbsd-iq80310-fxp0

     2.   Unpack the distribution sets into the target's root directory.

                server# cd /export/client/iq80310
                server# gzcat .../base.tgz | tar xvpf -
                server# gzcat .../etc.tgz | tar xvpf -
                [repeat for all sets you wish to unpack]

     3.   Load the kernel from the TFTP server.

          RedBoot> load netbsd-iq80310-fxp0
          Entry point: 0xa0200000, address range: 0xa0200000-0xa035e07c

     4.   Start the kernel running.  The kernel will display boot message,
          probe for devices, and mount the root file system.  If you used a
          kernel hard-wired to use the on-board Ethernet, it will attempt to
          mount the root file system automatically.  Otherwise, it will prompt
          for the root device to use.

          Since the system's run-time environment has not yet been configured,
          the system should boot into single-user mode.

          RedBoot> go

          NetBSD/evbarm (IQ80310) booting ...
          Resetting secondary PCI bus...
          initarm: Configuring system ...
          physmemory: 65536 pages at 0xa0000000 -> 0xafffffff
          init subsystems: stacks vectors undefined pmap irq done.
          [ using 155084 bytes of netbsd ELF symbol table ]
          Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
              The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
          Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
              The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

          NetBSD 1.5ZC (IQ80310) #20: Fri Mar 29 10:25:53 PST 2002
          total memory = 256 MB
          avail memory = 232 MB
          using 1228 buffers containing 13208 KB of memory
          mainbus0 (root)
          cpu0 at mainbus0: i80200 step A-0 (XScale core)
          cpu0: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT
          cpu0: 32KB/32B 32-way Instruction cache
          cpu0: 32KB/32B 32-way write-back-locking Data cache
          obio0 at mainbus0: board rev. F, CPLD rev. D, backplane present
          com0 at obio0 addr 0xfe810000: ns16550a, working fifo
          com0: console
          com1 at obio0 addr 0xfe800000: ns16550a, working fifo
          iopxs0 at mainbus0: i80312 Companion I/O, acting as PCI host
          iopxs0: configuring Secondary PCI bus
          pci0 at iopxs0 bus 1
          pci0: i/o space, memory space enabled
          ppb0 at pci0 dev 7 function 0: Digital Equipment DECchip 21154 PCI-PCI Bridge (rev. 0x05)
          pci1 at ppb0 bus 2
          pci1: i/o space, memory space enabled
          fxp0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0: i82559S Ethernet, rev 9
          fxp0: interrupting at iq80310 irq 1
          fxp0: Ethernet address 00:80:4d:46:0b:b9
          inphy0 at fxp0 phy 1: i82555 10/100 media interface, rev. 4
          inphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
          clock: hz=100 stathz=0 profhz=0
          boot device: <unknown>
          root on fxp0
          nfs_boot: trying DHCP/BOOTP
          nfs_boot: DHCP next-server:
          nfs_boot: my_addr=
          nfs_boot: my_mask=
          nfs_boot: gateway=
          root on
          /etc/rc.conf is not configured.  Multiuser boot aborted.
          Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh:

     Installation for the Intel IQ80321

     The following steps describe how to set up an NFS root environment for
     the IQ80321 and how to boot the IQ80321.

     1.   Place the kernel into the TFTP server's download area.

          RedBoot only loads S-Records, so select a kernel with the ``.srec''
          filename suffix.  In this example, we will boot the kernel hard-
          wired to use the on-board Ethernet as the root device.

                server# cp netbsd-wm0.srec /tftpboot/netbsd-iq80321-wm0

     2.   Unpack the distribution sets into the target's root directory.

                server# cd /export/client/iq80321
                server# gzcat .../base.tgz | tar xvpf -
                server# gzcat .../etc.tgz | tar xvpf -
                [repeat for all sets you wish to unpack]

     3.   Load the kernel from the TFTP server.

          RedBoot> load netbsd-iq80321-wm0
          Entry point: 0x00200000, address range: 0x00200000-0x00396a40

     4.   Start the kernel running.  The kernel will display boot message,
          probe for devices, and mount the root file system.  If you used a
          kernel hard-wired to use the on-board Ethernet, it will attempt to
          mount the root file system automatically.  Otherwise, it will prompt
          for the root device to use.

          Since the system's run-time environment has not yet been configured,
          the system should boot into single-user mode.

          RedBoot> go

          NetBSD/evbarm (IQ80321) booting ...
          initarm: Configuring system ...
          physmemory: 32768 pages at 0xa0000000 -> 0xa7ffffff
          init subsystems: stacks vectors undefined pmap irq done.
          [ using 156468 bytes of netbsd ELF symbol table ]
          Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
              The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
          Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
              The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

          NetBSD 1.5ZC (IQ80321) #1: Thu Mar 28 18:20:34 PST 2002
          total memory = 128 MB
          avail memory = 113 MB
          using 1228 buffers containing 6656 KB of memory
          mainbus0 (root)
          cpu0 at mainbus0: i80321 step A-0 (XScale core)
          cpu0: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT
          cpu0: 32KB/32B 32-way Instruction cache
          cpu0: 32KB/32B 32-way write-back-locking Data cache
          obio0 at mainbus0
          com0 at obio0 addr 0xfe800000: ns16550a, working fifo
          com0: console
          iopxs0 at mainbus0: i80321 I/O Processor, acting as PCI host
          iopxs0: configuring PCI bus
          pci0 at iopxs0 bus 0
          pci0: i/o space, memory space enabled, rd/line, rd/mult, wr/inv ok
          wm0 at pci0 dev 4 function 0: Intel i82544 1000BASE-T Ethernet, rev. 2
          wm0: interrupting at iop321 irq 27
          wm0: Ethernet address 00:07:e9:03:38:40
          makphy0 at wm0 phy 1: Marvell 88E1000 Gigabit PHY, rev. 0
          makphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-FDX, auto
          clock: hz=100 stathz=0 profhz=0
          boot device: <unknown>
          root on wm0
          nfs_boot: trying DHCP/BOOTP
          nfs_boot: DHCP next-server:
          nfs_boot: my_addr=
          nfs_boot: my_mask=
          nfs_boot: gateway=
          root on
          /etc/rc.conf is not configured.  Multiuser boot aborted.
          Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh:

   Post installation steps
     Once you've got the operating system running, there are a few things you
     need to do in order to bring the system into a properly configured state.
     The most important steps are described below.

     1.   Before all else, read postinstall(8).

     2.   Configuring /etc/rc.conf

          If you or the installation software haven't done any configuration
          of /etc/rc.conf (sysinst normally will), the system will drop you
          into single user mode on first reboot with the message

                /etc/rc.conf is not configured. Multiuser boot aborted.

          and with the root file system (/) mounted read-only.  When the sys-
          tem asks you to choose a shell, simply press RETURN to get to a
          /bin/sh prompt.  If you are asked for a terminal type, respond with
          vt220 (or whatever is appropriate for your terminal type) and press
          RETURN.  You may need to type one of the following commands to get
          your delete key to work properly, depending on your keyboard:
                # stty erase '^h'
                # stty erase '^?'
          At this point, you need to configure at least one file in the /etc
          directory.  You will need to mount your root file system read/write
                # /sbin/mount -u -w /
          Change to the /etc directory and take a look at the /etc/rc.conf
          file.  Modify it to your tastes, making sure that you set
          rc_configured=YES so that your changes will be enabled and a multi-
          user boot can proceed.  Default values for the various programs can
          be found in /etc/defaults/rc.conf, where some in-line documentation
          may be found.  More complete documentation can be found in

          When you have finished editing /etc/rc.conf, type exit at the prompt
          to leave the single-user shell and continue with the multi-user

          Other values that may need to be set in /etc/rc.conf for a networked
          environment are hostname and possibly defaultroute.  You may also
          need to add an ifconfig_int for your <int> network interface, along
          the lines of

                ifconfig_fxp0="inet netmask"

          or, if you have in /etc/hosts:

                ifconfig_fxp0="inet netmask"

          To enable proper hostname resolution, you will also want to add an
          /etc/resolv.conf file or (if you are feeling a little more adventur-
          ous) run named(8).  See resolv.conf(5) or named(8) for more informa-

          Instead of manually configuring networking, DHCP can be used by set-
          ting dhcpcd=YES in /etc/rc.conf.

     3.   Logging in

          After reboot, you can log in as root at the login prompt.  If you
          didn't set a password in sysinst, there is no initial password.  You
          should create an account for yourself (see below) and protect it and
          the ``root'' account with good passwords.  By default, root login
          from the network is disabled (even via ssh(1)).  One way to become
          root over the network is to log in as a different user that belongs
          to group ``wheel'' (see group(5)) and use su(1) to become root.

     4.   Adding accounts

          Use the useradd(8) command to add accounts to your system.  Do not
          edit /etc/passwd directly! See vipw(8) and pwd_mkdb(8) if you want
          to edit the password database.

     5.   The X Window System

          If you installed the X Window System, you may want to read the chap-
          ter about X in the NetBSD Guide:

     6.   Installing third party packages

          If you wish to install any of the software freely available for
          UNIX-like systems you are strongly advised to first check the NetBSD
          package system, pkgsrc.  pkgsrc automatically handles any changes
          necessary to make the software run on NetBSD.  This includes the
          retrieval and installation of any other packages the software may
          depend upon.

          o   More information on the package system is available at

          o   A list of available packages suitable for browsing is at

          o   Precompiled binaries can be found at
              usually in the evbarm/7.1.2/All subdir.  If you installed
              pkgin(1) in the sysinst post-installation configuration menu,
              you can use it to automatically install binary packages over the
              network.  Assuming that /usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf is
              correctly configured, you can install them with the following

              # pkgin install tcsh
              # pkgin install bash
              # pkgin install perl
              # pkgin install apache
              # pkgin install kde
              # pkgin install firefox

              Note:  Some mirror sites don't mirror the /pub/pkgsrc directory.

              The above commands will install the Tenex-csh and Bourne Again
              shells, the Perl programming language, Apache web server, KDE
              desktop environment and the Firefox web browser as well as all
              the packages they depend on.

          o   If you did not install it from the sysinst post-installation
              configuration menu, the pkgsrc(7) framework for compiling pack-
              ages can be obtained by retrieving the file
              It is typically extracted into /usr/pkgsrc (though other loca-
              tions work fine) with the commands:

                    # cd /usr
                    # tar -zxpf pkgsrc.tar.gz

              After extracting, see the doc/pkgsrc.txt file in the extraction
              directory (e.g., /usr/pkgsrc/doc/pkgsrc.txt) for more informa-

     7.   Misc

          o   Edit /etc/mail/aliases to forward root mail to the right place.
              Don't forget to run newaliases(1) afterwards.

          o   Edit /etc/rc.local to run any local daemons you use.

          o   Many of the /etc files are documented in section 5 of the man-
              ual; so just invoking

                    # man 5 filename

              is likely to give you more information on these files.

   Upgrading a previously-installed NetBSD System
     The easiest way to upgrade to NetBSD 7.1.2 is with binaries, and that is
     the method documented here.

     To do the upgrade, you must have one form of boot media available.  You
     must also have at least the base and kern binary distribution sets avail-
     able.  Finally, you must have sufficient disk space available to install
     the new binaries.  Since files already installed on the system are over-
     written in place, you only need additional free space for files which
     weren't previously installed or to account for growth of the sets between

     Since upgrading involves replacing the kernel, boot blocks, and most of
     the system binaries, it has the potential to cause data loss.  You are
     strongly advised to back up any important data on the NetBSD partition or
     on another operating system's partition on your disk before beginning the
     upgrade process.

     The upgrade procedure is similar to an installation, but without the hard
     disk partitioning.

     Fetching the binary sets is done in the same manner as the installation
     procedure; refer to the installation part of the document for help.  File
     systems are checked before unpacking the sets.

     After a new kernel has been copied to your hard disk, your machine is a
     complete NetBSD 7.1.2 system.  However, that doesn't mean that you're
     finished with the upgrade process.  You will probably want to update the
     set of device nodes you have in /dev.  If you've changed the contents of
     /dev by hand, you will need to be careful about this, but if not, you can
     just cd into /dev, and run the command:

           # sh MAKEDEV all

     sysinst will attempt to merge the settings stored in your /etc directory
     with the new version of NetBSD using the postinstall(8) utility.  How-
     ever, postinstall(8) is only able to deal with changes that are easily
     automated.  It is recommended that you use the etcupdate(8) tool to merge
     any remaining configuration changes.

   Compatibility Issues With Previous NetBSD Releases
     Users upgrading from previous versions of NetBSD may wish to bear the
     following problems and compatibility issues in mind when upgrading to
     NetBSD 7.1.2.

     Note that sysinst will automatically invoke

           postinstall fix
     and thus all issues that are fixed by postinstall by default will be han-

     A number of things have been removed from the NetBSD 7.1.2 release.  See
     the ``Components removed from NetBSD'' section near the beginning of this
     document for a list.

     Important note regarding ABI change on ARM ports

     In NetBSD 7.0, most ARM ports (all but acorn26, acorn32, and epoc32) were
     switched to the official standard ABI (EABI5) which is recommended by ARM
     for ELF binaries.

     Backwards compatibility is provided for binaries using the previous ABI
     (oabi).  A NetBSD 7.1.2 kernel with the COMPAT_NETBSD32 option enabled
     will allow you to execute oabi binaries.  This option is enabled in the
     kernels distributed with this release.

     However, new binaries can not be mixed with old libraries, and shared
     libraries are incompatible.

     sysinst does not provide an automatic mechanism to partlially upgrade an
     old installation.  There are two ways to handle the transition:


          Do a complete update.

          This means updating your system with sysinst, then deleting and
          recompiling all other binaries, whether they were installed locally
          or through pkgsrc.  This is the preferred, cleanest approach.

     2.   Move your old binaries and libraries to /compat/netbsd32 and replace
          them one by one.

          For example, move all of /usr/pkg to /compat/netbsd32/usr/pkg and
          add /compat/netbsd32/usr/pkg/bin to the end of your PATH.  Most
          binaries should still run, and can be replaced over time with recom-
          piled packages, which will install to /usr/pkg again.

     Issues affecting an upgrade from NetBSD 5.x releases

     See the section below on upgrading from NetBSD 6.x as well.

     The following users need to be created:
           o   _mdnsd
           o   _tests
           o   _tcpdump
           o   _tss

     The following groups need to be created:
           o   _mdnsd
           o   _tests
           o   _tcpdump
           o   _tss

     The implementation of SHA2-HMAC in KAME_IPSEC as used in NetBSD 5.0 and
     before did not comply with current standards.  FAST_IPSEC does, with the
     result that old and new systems cannot communicate over IPSEC if one of
     the affected authentication algorithms (hmac_sha256, hmac_sha384,
     hmac_sha512) is used.

     Issues affecting an upgrade from NetBSD 6.x releases

     The following user needs to be created:
           o   _rtadvd

     The following groups need to be created:
           o   _gpio
           o   _rtadvd

     Issues affecting an upgrade from NetBSD 7.1

     The following modules have been removed from the autoload list: com-
     pat_freebsd,  compat_ibcs2, compat_svr4, compat_svr4_32.

   Using online NetBSD documentation
     Documentation is available if you installed the manual distribution set.
     Traditionally, the ``man pages'' (documentation) are denoted by
     `name(section)'.  Some examples of this are

           o   intro(1),
           o   man(1),
           o   apropos(1),
           o   passwd(1), and
           o   passwd(5).

     The section numbers group the topics into several categories, but three
     are of primary interest: user commands are in section 1, file formats are
     in section 5, and administrative information is in section 8.

     The man command is used to view the documentation on a topic, and is
     started by entering man [section] topic.  The brackets [] around the sec-
     tion should not be entered, but rather indicate that the section is
     optional.  If you don't ask for a particular section, the topic with the
     lowest numbered section name will be displayed.  For instance, after log-
     ging in, enter

           # man passwd

     to read the documentation for passwd(1).  To view the documentation for
     passwd(5), enter

           # man 5 passwd


     If you are unsure of what man page you are looking for, enter

           # apropos subject-word

     where subject-word is your topic of interest; a list of possibly related
     man pages will be displayed.

     If you've got something to say, do so!  We'd like your input.  There are
     various mailing lists available via the mailing list server at  See
     for details.

     There are various mailing lists set up to deal with comments and ques-
     tions about this release.  Please send comments to:

     To report bugs, use the send-pr(1) command shipped with NetBSD, and fill
     in as much information about the problem as you can.  Good bug reports
     include lots of details.

     Bugs also can be submitted and queried with the web interface at

     There are also port-specific mailing lists, to discuss aspects of each
     port of NetBSD.  Use majordomo to find their addresses, or visit

     If you're interested in doing a serious amount of work on a specific
     port, you probably should contact the `owner' of that port (listed

     If you'd like to help with NetBSD, and have an idea as to how you could
     be useful, send us mail or subscribe to:

     As a favor, please avoid mailing huge documents or files to these mailing
     lists.  Instead, put the material you would have sent up for FTP or WWW
     somewhere, then mail the appropriate list about it.  If you'd rather not
     do that, mail the list saying you'll send the data to those who want it.

   Thanks go to
     o   The former members of UCB's Computer Systems Research Group, includ-
         ing (but not limited to):

               Keith Bostic
               Ralph Campbell
               Mike Karels
               Marshall Kirk McKusick

         for their work on BSD systems, support, and encouragement.

     o   The Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. for hosting the NetBSD FTP,
         CVS, AnonCVS, mail, mail archive, GNATS, SUP, Rsync and WWW servers.

     o   The Internet Research Institute in Japan for hosting the server which
         runs the CVSweb interface to the NetBSD source tree.

     o   The Columbia University Computer Science Department for hosting the
         build cluster.

     o   The many organizations that provide NetBSD mirror sites.

     o   Without CVS, this project would be impossible to manage, so our hats
         go off to Brian Berliner, Jeff Polk, and the various other people
         who've had a hand in making CVS a useful tool.

     o   We list the individuals and organizations that have made donations or
         loans of hardware and/or money, to support NetBSD development, and
         deserve credit for it at
         (If you're not on that list and should be, tell us!  We probably were
         not able to get in touch with you, to verify that you wanted to be

     o   Finally, we thank all of the people who've put sweat and tears into
         developing NetBSD since its inception in January, 1993.  (Obviously,
         there are a lot more people who deserve thanks here.  If you're one
         of them, and would like to be mentioned, tell us!)

   We are...
     (in alphabetical order)

     The NetBSD core group:

            Alan Barrett      
            Alistair Crooks   
            Matthew Green     
            Chuck Silvers     
            Matt Thomas       
            YAMAMOTO Takashi  
            Christos Zoulas   

     The portmasters (and their ports):
            Reinoud Zandijk             reinoud                  acorn32
            Matt Thomas                 matt                     alpha
            Ignatios Souvatzis          is                       amiga
            Ignatios Souvatzis          is                       amigappc
            Noriyuki Soda               soda                     arc
            Julian Coleman              jdc                      atari
            Matthias Drochner           drochner                 cesfic
            Erik Berls                  cyber                    cobalt
            Antti Kantee                pooka                    emips
            Simon Burge                 simonb                   evbmips
            Steve Woodford              scw                      evbppc
            Izumi Tsutsui               tsutsui                  ews4800mips
            Izumi Tsutsui               tsutsui                  hp300
            Nick Hudson                 skrll                    hppa
            Valeriy E. Ushakov          uwe                      hpcsh
            Matt Thomas                 matt                     ibmnws
            Gavan Fantom                gavan                    iyonix
            Valeriy E. Ushakov          uwe                      landisk
            Izumi Tsutsui               tsutsui                  luna68k
            Scott Reynolds              scottr                   mac68k
            Michael Lorenz              macallan                 macppc
            Steve Woodford              scw                      mvme68k
            Steve Woodford              scw                      mvmeppc
            Matt Thomas                 matt                     netwinder
            Izumi Tsutsui               tsutsui                  news68k
            Tim Rightnour               garbled                  ofppc
            Simon Burge                 simonb                   pmax
            Tim Rightnour               garbled                  prep
            Tim Rightnour               garbled                  rs6000
            Tohru Nishimura             nisimura                 sandpoint
            Simon Burge                 simonb                   sbmips
            Soren Jorvang               soren                    sgimips
            SAITOH Masanobu             msaitoh                  sh3
            Martin Husemann             martin                   sparc64
            Anders Magnusson            ragge                    vax
            NISHIMURA Takeshi           nsmrtks                  x68k
            Manuel Bouyer               bouyer                   xen

     The NetBSD 7.1.2 Release Engineering team:

            Stephen Borrill   
            Manuel Bouyer     
            David Brownlee    
            Julian Coleman    
            Alistair G. Crooks
            Havard Eidnes     
            Martin Husemann   
            Soren Jacobsen    
            Phil Nelson       
            Jeremy C. Reed    
            Jeff Rizzo        
            SAITOH Masanobu   

     NetBSD Developers:

            Nathan Ahlstrom   
            Steve Allen       
            Jukka Andberg     
            Julian Assange    
            Lennart Augustsson
            Zafer Aydogan     
            Christoph Badura  
            Marc Balmer       
            Bang Jun-Young    
            Dieter Baron      
            Robert V. Baron   
            Alan Barrett      
            Grant Beattie     
            Erik Berls        
            Hiroyuki Bessho   
            John Birrell      
            Rafal Boni        
            Stephen Borrill   
            Sean Boudreau     
            Manuel Bouyer     
            Allen Briggs      
            Mark Brinicombe   
            Aaron Brown       
            Andrew Brown      
            David Brownlee    
            Jon Buller        
            Simon Burge       
            Robert Byrnes     
            Pavel Cahyna      
            D'Arcy J.M. Cain  
            Taylor R. Campbell
            Daniel Carosone   
            Dave Carrel       
            James Chacon      
            Mihai Chelaru     
            Aleksey Cheusov   
            Bill Coldwell     
            Julian Coleman    
            Marcus Comstedt   
            Jeremy Cooper     
            Thomas Cort       
            Chuck Cranor      
            Alistair Crooks   
            Masatake Daimon   
            Johan Danielsson  
            John Darrow       
            Jed Davis         
            Matt DeBergalis   
            Arnaud Degroote   
            Rob Deker         
            Chris G. Demetriou
            Tracy Di Marco White
            Jaromir Dolecek   
            Andy Doran        
            Roland Dowdeswell 
            Steven Drake      
            Emmanuel Dreyfus  
            Matthias Drochner 
            Jun Ebihara       
            Elad Efrat        
            Havard Eidnes     
            Jaime A Fournier  
            Stoned Elipot     
            Michael van Elst  
            Enami Tsugutomo   
            Bernd Ernesti     
            Erik Fair         
            Gavan Fantom      
            Hauke Fath        
            Hubert Feyrer     
            Jason R. Fink     
            Matt J. Fleming   
            Marty Fouts       
            Liam J. Foy       
            Matt Fredette     
            Thorsten Frueauf  
            Castor Fu         
            Hisashi Todd Fujinaka
            Makoto Fujiwara   
            Ichiro Fukuhara   
            Quentin Garnier   
            Thomas Gerner     
            Simon J. Gerraty  
            Justin Gibbs      
            Chris Gilbert     
            Eric Gillespie    
            Brian Ginsbach    
            Oliver V. Gould   
            Paul Goyette      
            Michael Graff     
            Matthew Green     
            Andreas Gustafsson
            Ulrich Habel      
            Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
            HAMAJIMA Katsuomi 
            Adam Hamsik       
            Juergen Hannken-Illjes
            Charles M. Hannum 
            Yorick Hardy      
            Ben Harris        
            Kenichi Hashimoto 
            Eric Haszlakiewicz
            John Hawkinson    
            Emile Heitor      
            John Heasley      
            Lars Heidieker    
            Geert Hendrickx   
            Wen Heping        
            Rene Hexel        
            Iain Hibbert      
            Kouichirou Hiratsuka
            Michael L. Hitch  
            Adam Hoka         
            Jachym Holecek    
            David A. Holland  
            Christian E. Hopps
            Daniel Horecki    
            Ken Hornstein     
            Marc Horowitz     
            Eduardo Horvath   
            Nick Hudson       
            Shell Hung        
            Darran Hunt       
            Martin Husemann   
            Dean Huxley       
            Love Hoernquist Astrand
            Roland Illig      
            Bernardo Innocenti
            Tetsuya Isaki     
            ITOH Yasufumi     
            IWAMOTO Toshihiro 
            Matthew Jacob     
            Soren Jacobsen    
            Lonhyn T. Jasinskyj
            Darrin Jewell     
            Nicolas Joly      
            Soren Jorvang     
            Takahiro Kambe    
            Antti Kantee      
            Frank Kardel      
            KAWAMOTO Yosihisa 
            Min Sik Kim       
            KIYOHARA Takashi  
            Thomas Klausner   
            Klaus Klein       
            John Klos         
            Wayne Knowles     
            Takayoshi Kochi   
            Mateusz Kocielski 
            Jonathan A. Kollasch
            Joseph Koshy      
            Radoslaw Kujawa   
            Jochen Kunz       
            Martti Kuparinen  
            Arnaud Lacombe    
            Kevin Lahey       
            David Laight      
            Johnny C. Lam     
            Guillaume Lasmayous
            Martin J. Laubach 
            Greg Lehey        
            Ted Lemon         
            Christian Limpach 
            Frank van der Linden
            Joel Lindholm     
            Tonnerre Lombard  
            Mike Long         
            Sergio Lopez      
            Michael Lorenz    
            Warner Losh       
            Tomasz Luchowski  
            Federico Lupi     
            Palle Lyckegaard  
            Brett Lymn        
            MAEKAWA Masahide  
            Anders Magnusson  
            Anthony Mallet    
            John Marino       
            Roy Marples       
            Pedro Martelletto 
            Cherry G. Mathew  
            David Maxwell     
            Gregory McGarry   
            Dan McMahill      
            Jared D. McNeill  
            Neil J. McRae     
            Julio M. Merino Vidal
            Perry Metzger     
            Luke Mewburn      
            Jean-Yves Migeon  
            Brook Milligan    
            Minoura Makoto    
            Simas Mockevicius 
            Ryosuke Moro      
            der Mouse         
            Constantine A. Murenin
            Joseph Myers      
            Tuomo Maekinen    
            Zoltan Arnold NAGY
            Ken Nakata        
            Takeshi Nakayama  
            Alexander Nasonov 
            Phil Nelson       
            John Nemeth       
            NISHIMURA Takeshi 
            Tohru Nishimura   
            NONAKA Kimihiro   
            Takehiko NOZAKI   
            Tobias Nygren     
            OBATA Akio        
            Jesse Off         
            Tatoku Ogaito     
            OKANO Takayoshi   
            Masaru Oki        
            Ryo ONODERA       
            Atsushi Onoe      
            Greg Oster        
            Ryota Ozaki       
            Jonathan Perkin   
            Fredrik Pettai    
            Herb Peyerl       
            Matthias Pfaller  
            Chris Pinnock     
            Adrian Portelli   
            Pierre Pronchery  
            Chris Provenzano  
            Mindaugas Rasiukevicius
            Michael Rauch     
            Marc Recht        
            Darren Reed       
            Jeremy C. Reed    
            Jens Rehsack      
            Antoine Reilles   
            Tyler R. Retzlaff 
            Scott Reynolds    
            Tim Rightnour     
            Jeff Rizzo        
            Hans Rosenfeld    
            Steve Rumble      
            Jukka Ruohonen    
            Blair J. Sadewitz 
            David Sainty      
            SAITOH Masanobu   
            Kazuki Sakamoto   
            Curt Sampson      
            Wilfredo Sanchez  
            Ty Sarna          
            SATO Kazumi       
            Jan Schaumann     
            Matthias Scheler  
            Silke Scheler     
            Karl Schilke (rAT)
            Amitai Schlair    
            Konrad Schroder   
            Georg Schwarz     
            Lubomir Sedlacik  
            Christopher SEKIYA
            Reed Shadgett     
            John Shannon      
            Tim Shepard       
            Naoto Shimazaki   
            Ryo Shimizu       
            Takao Shinohara   
            Takuya SHIOZAKI   
            Daniel Sieger     
            Chuck Silvers     
            Thor Lancelot Simon
            Nathanial Sloss   
            Jeff Smith        
            Noriyuki Soda     
            Wolfgang Solfrank 
            Joerg Sonnenberger
            Ignatios Souvatzis
            T K Spindler      
            Matthew Sporleder 
            Bill Squier       
            Adrian Steinmann  
            Bill Studenmund   
            Hiroki Suenaga    
            Kevin Sullivan    
            Kimmo Suominen    
            Gregoire Sutre    
            Sergey Svishchev  
            Robert Swindells  
            Shin Takemura     
            TAMURA Kent       
            Shin'ichiro TAYA  
            Hasso Tepper      
            Matt Thomas       
            Jason Thorpe      
            Christoph Toshok  
            Tamas Toth        
            Greg Troxel       
            Tsubai Masanari   
            Izumi Tsutsui     
            UCHIYAMA Yasushi  
            Masao Uebayashi   
            Shuichiro URATA   
            Valeriy E. Ushakov
            Todd Vierling     
            Maxime Villard    
            Aymeric Vincent   
            Paul Vixie        
            Mike M. Volokhov  
            Krister Walfridsson
            Mark Weinem       
            Lex Wennmacher    
            Leo Weppelman     
            Assar Westerlund  
            Sebastian Wiedenroth
            Frank Wille       
            Nathan Williams   
            Rob Windsor       
            Jim Wise          
            Colin Wood        
            Steve Woodford    
            YAMAMOTO Takashi  
            Yuji Yamano       
            David Young       
            Arnaud Ysmal      
            Reinoud Zandijk   
            Tim Zingelman     
            Christos Zoulas   

   Legal Mumbo-Jumbo
     All product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trade-
     marks of their respective owners.

     The following notices are required to satisfy the license terms of the
     software that we have mentioned in this document:

     NetBSD is a registered trademark of The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
     This product includes software developed by the University of California,
     Berkeley and its contributors.
     This product includes software developed by the NetBSD Foundation.
     This product includes software developed by The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
     and its contributors.
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project.  See for information about NetBSD.
     This product includes software developed by Intel Corporation and its
     This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
     This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
     This product includes software designed by William Allen Simpson.
     This product includes software developed at Ludd, University of Lulea,
     Sweden and its contributors.
     This product includes software developed at Ludd, University of Lulea.
     This product includes software developed at the Information Technology
     Division, US Naval Research Laboratory.
     This product includes software developed by David Jones and Gordon Ross
     This product includes software developed by Hellmuth Michaelis and Joerg
     This product includes software developed by Internet Research Institute,
     This product includes software developed by Leo Weppelman and Waldi
     This product includes software developed by  Mika Kortelainen
     This product includes software developed by Aaron Brown and Harvard Uni-
     This product includes software developed by Adam Ciarcinski for the
     NetBSD project.
     This product includes software developed by Adam Glass and Charles M.
     This product includes software developed by Adam Glass.
     This product includes software developed by Alex Zepeda, and Colin Wood
     for the NetBSD Projet.
     This product includes software developed by Alex Zepeda.
     This product includes software developed by Allen Briggs.
     This product includes software developed by Amancio Hasty and Roger
     This product includes software developed by Berkeley Software Design,
     This product includes software developed by Bill Paul.
     This product includes software developed by Bodo Moeller.  (If available,
     substitute umlauted o for oe)
     This product includes software developed by Boris Popov.
     This product includes software developed by Brini.
     This product includes software developed by Bruce M. Simpson.
     This product includes software developed by Causality Limited.
     This product includes software developed by Charles Hannum.
     This product includes software developed by Charles M. Hannum, by the
     University of Vermont and State Agricultural College and Garrett A.
     Wollman, by William F. Jolitz, and by the University of California,
     Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and its contributors.
     This product includes software developed by Charles M. Hannum.
     This product includes software developed by Christian E. Hopps, Ezra
     Story, Kari Mettinen, Markus Wild, Lutz Vieweg and Michael Teske.
     This product includes software developed by Christian E. Hopps.
     This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou for
     the NetBSD Project.
     This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou.
     This product includes software developed by Christos Zoulas.
     This product includes software developed by Chuck Silvers.
     This product includes software developed by Colin Wood for the NetBSD
     This product includes software developed by Colin Wood.
     This product includes software developed by Daan Vreeken.
     This product includes software developed by Daishi Kato
     This product includes software developed by Daniel Widenfalk and Michael
     L. Hitch.
     This product includes software developed by Daniel Widenfalk for the
     NetBSD Project.
     This product includes software developed by David Miller.
     This product includes software developed by Dean Huxley.
     This product includes software developed by Emmanuel Dreyfus
     This product includes software developed by Eric S. Hvozda.
     This product includes software developed by Eric S. Raymond
     This product includes software developed by Eric Young (eay@crypt-
     This product includes software developed by Eric Young (
     This product includes software developed by Ezra Story and  by Kari Met-
     This product includes software developed by Ezra Story, by Kari Mettinen
     and by Bernd Ernesti.
     This product includes software developed by Ezra Story, by Kari Mettinen,
     Michael Teske and by Bernd Ernesti.
     This product includes software developed by Ezra Story, by Kari Mettinen,
     and Michael Teske.
     This product includes software developed by Ezra Story.
     This product includes software developed by Frank van der Linden for the
     NetBSD Project.
     This product includes software developed by Gardner Buchanan.
     This product includes software developed by Garrett D'Amore.
     This product includes software developed by Gary Thomas.
     This product includes software developed by Gordon Ross
     This product includes software developed by Harvard University and its
     This product includes software developed by Harvard University.
     This product includes software developed by Henrik Vestergaard Draboel.
     This product includes software developed by Herb Peyerl.
     This product includes software developed by Hidetoshi Shimokawa.
     This product includes software developed by Hubert Feyrer for the NetBSD
     This product includes software developed by Ian W. Dall.
     This product includes software developed by Internet Initiative Japan
     This product includes software developed by James R. Maynard III.
     This product includes software developed by Jared D. McNeill.
     This product includes software developed by Jason L. Wright
     This product includes software developed by Jason R. Thorpe for And Com-
     This product includes software developed by Joachim Koenig-Baltes.
     This product includes software developed by Jochen Pohl for The NetBSD
     This product includes software developed by Joerg Wunsch
     This product includes software developed by John Birrell.
     This product includes software developed by John P. Wittkoski.
     This product includes software developed by John Polstra.
     This product includes software developed by Jonathan R. Stone for the
     NetBSD Project.
     This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone and Jason R.
     Thorpe for the NetBSD Project.
     This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone.
     This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone for the NetBSD
     This product includes software developed by Julian Highfield.
     This product includes software developed by K. Kobayashi.
     This product includes software developed by K. Kobayashi and H.
     This product includes software developed by Kazuhisa Shimizu.
     This product includes software developed by Kazuki Sakamoto.
     This product includes software developed by Kenneth Stailey.
     This product includes software developed by Kiyoshi Ikehara.
     This product includes software developed by Klaus Burkert,by Bernd
     Ernesti, by Michael van Elst, and by the University of California, Berke-
     ley and its contributors.
     This product includes software developed by Lloyd Parkes.
     This product includes software developed by Lutz Vieweg.
     This product includes software developed by MINOURA Makoto, Takuya
     This product includes software developed by Marc Horowitz.
     This product includes software developed by Marcus Comstedt.
     This product includes software developed by Mark Brinicombe for the
     NetBSD project.
     This product includes software developed by Mark Brinicombe.
     This product includes software developed by Mark Tinguely and Jim Lowe
     This product includes software developed by Markus Wild.
     This product includes software developed by Marshall M. Midden.
     This product includes software developed by Masanobu Saitoh.
     This product includes software developed by Masaru Oki.
     This product includes software developed by Matthew Fredette.
     This product includes software developed by Matt DeBergalis.
     This product includes software developed by Michael Smith.
     This product includes software developed by Microsoft.
     This product includes software developed by Mike Pritchard.
     This product includes software developed by Mike Pritchard and contribu-
     This product includes software developed by Minoura Makoto.
     This product includes software developed by Niels Provos.
     This product includes software developed by Niklas Hallqvist, Brandon
     Creighton and Job de Haas.
     This product includes software developed by Niklas Hallqvist.
     This product includes software developed by Paolo Abeni.
     This product includes software developed by Paul Kranenburg.
     This product includes software developed by Paul Mackerras.
     This product includes software developed by Per Fogelstrom
     This product includes software developed by Peter Galbavy.
     This product includes software developed by Phase One, Inc.
     This product includes software developed by Philip A. Nelson.
     This product includes software developed by QUALCOMM Incorporated.
     This product includes software developed by RiscBSD.
     This product includes software developed by Roar Thronaes.
     This product includes software developed by Rodney W. Grimes.
     This product includes software developed by Roger Hardiman
     This product includes software developed by Rolf Grossmann.
     This product includes software developed by Ross Harvey for the NetBSD
     This product includes software developed by Ross Harvey.
     This product includes software developed by Scott Bartram.
     This product includes software developed by Scott Stevens.
     This product includes software developed by Shingo WATANABE.
     This product includes software developed by Softweyr LLC, the University
     of California, Berkeley, and its contributors.
     This product includes software developed by Stephan Thesing.
     This product includes software developed by Steven M. Bellovin.
     This product includes software developed by Takashi Hamada.
     This product includes software developed by Takumi Nakamura.
     This product includes software developed by Tatoku Ogaito for the NetBSD
     This product includes software developed by Terrence R. Lambert.
     This product includes software developed by Texas A&M University and its
     This product includes software developed by Thomas Gerner.
     This product includes software developed by TooLs GmbH.
     This product includes software developed by Trimble Navigation, Ltd.
     This product includes software developed by WIDE Project and its contrib-
     This product includes software developed by Waldi Ravens.
     This product includes software developed by Winning Strategies, Inc.
     This product includes software developed by Yasushi Yamasaki.
     This product includes software developed by Yen Yen Lim and North Dakota
     State University.
     This product includes software developed by Zembu Labs, Inc.
     This product includes software developed by the Alice Group.
     This product includes software developed by the Computer Systems Engi-
     neering Group at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
     This product includes software developed by the David Muir Sharnoff.
     This product includes software developed by the Harvard University and
     its contributors.
     This product includes software developed by the Kungliga Tekniska
     Hoegskolan and its contributors.
     This product includes software developed by the Network Research Group at
     Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
     This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use
     in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (
     This product includes software developed by the PocketBSD project and its
     This product includes software developed by the RiscBSD kernel team.
     This product includes software developed by the RiscBSD team.
     This product includes software developed by the SMCC Technology Develop-
     ment Group at Sun Microsystems, Inc.
     This product includes software developed by the University of California,
     Berkeley and its contributors, as well as the Trustees of Columbia Uni-
     This product includes software developed by the University of California,
     Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and its contributors.
     This product includes software developed by the University of California,
     Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
     This product includes software developed by the University of Illinois at
     Urbana and their contributors.
     This product includes software developed by the Urbana-Champaign Indepen-
     dent Media Center.
     This product includes software developed by the University of Vermont and
     State Agricultural College and Garrett A. Wollman.
     This product includes software developed by the University of Vermont and
     State Agricultural College and Garrett A. Wollman, by William F.  Jolitz,
     and by the University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Labora-
     tory, and its contributors.
     This product includes software developed for the FreeBSD project
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Bernd
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by
     Christopher G. Demetriou.
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Frank
     van der Linden
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Jason
     R. Thorpe.
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by John
     M. Vinopal.
     This product includes software developed by Kyma Systems.
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Kyma
     Systems LLC.
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by
     Matthias Drochner.
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Perry
     E. Metzger.
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Scott
     Bartram and Frank van der Linden
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Alle-
     gro Networks, Inc., and Wasabi Systems, Inc.
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Eiji
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by
     Genetec Corporation.
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by
     Jonathan Stone.
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Pier-
     mont Information Systems Inc.
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by SUNET,
     Swedish University Computer Network.
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by
     Shigeyuki Fukushima.
     This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Wasabi
     Systems, Inc.
     This product includes software developed under OpenBSD by Per Fogelstrom
     Opsycon AB for RTMX Inc, North Carolina, USA.
     This product includes software developed under OpenBSD by Per Fogelstrom.
     This software was developed by Holger Veit and Brian Moore for use with
     "386BSD" and similar operating systems.  "Similar operating systems"
     includes mainly non-profit oriented systems for research and education,
     including but not restricted to "NetBSD", "FreeBSD", "Mach" (by CMU).
     This software includes software developed by the Computer Systems Labora-
     tory at the University of Utah.
     This product includes software developed by Computing Services at
     Carnegie Mellon University (
     This product includes software developed or owned by Caldera Interna-
     tional, Inc.
     The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and The Open Group,
     have given us permission to reprint portions of their documentation.

     In the following statement, the phrase ``this text'' refers to portions
     of the system documentation.

     Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form in
     NetBSD, from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition, Standard for Information
     Technology -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), The Open Group
     Base Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by the Institute of
     Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open Group.  In the
     event of any discrepancy between these versions and the original IEEE and
     The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard is
     the referee document.

     The original Standard can be obtained online at

     This notice shall appear on any product containing this material.

     In the following statement, "This software" refers to the parallel port
           This software is a component of "386BSD" developed by William F.
           Jolitz, TeleMuse.

     Some files have the following copyright:
           Mach Operating System
           Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University
           All Rights Reserved.

           Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and
           its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copy-
           right notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
           software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
           thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.


           Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
           Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribu-
           School of Computer Science
           Carnegie Mellon University
           Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890

           any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie
           the rights to redistribute these changes.

     Some files have the following copyright:
           Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University.
           All rights reserved.

           Author: Chris G. Demetriou

           Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and
           its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copy-
           right notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
           software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
           thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.

           Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
           Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribu-
           School of Computer Science
           Carnegie Mellon University
           Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890

           any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie
           the rights to redistribute these changes.

     Some files have the following copyright:
           Copyright 1996 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior
           University. All Rights Reserved.

           Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
           its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
           granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
           copies.  Stanford University makes no representations about the
           suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as
           is" without express or implied warranty.

   The End
NetBSD                          March 15, 2018                          NetBSD